17 July 2009

Nice nice cafe! i love it^^

天气:蓝天微风 浪高:5/10 水泡之言:最近烟雾很厉害,岸上之人小心哦!

tat day i went to Kahve (dunno t spellng rite or not) 2 hv a lunch. tis cafe jz open almost 1 mth ago, so t enviroment quite clean and new.
at t first i jz attract by t price of their set lunch oni, n t facade la, herher
but since i walk inside...
WOW~the atmosphere so nice!! i like it~^^

t atmosphere-good n relax
t service-good^^and fast 2!
t price of their food-affordable, cheaper thn other cafe, hehe
t taste of their food-very nice! yummy

so after this lunch, i "fall in love" 2 this cafe ady~^^

the facade, quite europe feel rite?

egg n ham sandwich, simple but nice~

honey lemon with 2 SLIDE of lemon!! (other cafe 1 oni!><)

mashroom soup, yummy~like homemade, good^^6

chicken chop! t sauce taste nice~

see, the atmosphere there nice leh~hehe

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