08 July 2009

little bit leisure from buzy...

天气无风无雨,淡淡的阳光 浪高4/10 水泡之言:好想睡久久

this fews day was so buzy in project, a lot of thing need to think, think about idea, think about all the detail things, think about time managment, think about... think until my brain gonna to get jam already!!! and i hv been give up my sweet dream for many days ady!!!><

so, 2day i gv myself a little time to run away from those annoying thing! heihei


watch a funny movie-Ice Age 3 (it's vry funny, make me laugh in tat 2 hr, haha. although i hv not watch Ice Age 1 & 2, herher)


eat the 肉松蛋饼 in Shi-Lin, which i have been long long time did not eat ady! Finally can eat it today, yummy yo~herher


bought a purse for myself! heihei...i hv oso think about it for a long time...herher

and now, after take a break, and now is going to go back to face all the annoying things again T.T

gud luck for me! =.=

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