22 July 2009

i'm lucky and hapiness^^

天气阳光普照-->刮风打雷-->天气晴 浪高:??/10 水泡之言:起起又伏伏又起起

last week i suddenly said that i wan eat egg tart, so my sis baked it for me just now in the afternoon, herher. this is the first time she baked eggs tart, i heard before that it quite difficult to make a good tart, but...my sister have success 2 make it!haha. and the taste....not bad o, vry nice o!

i feel hapiness and lucky that i hv this sister...all my relative and my baba mummy said that i'm vry lucky that i hv this sister, who always indulge me, who always help me when i get in problem, who always help me do what i dislike to do, who always put up with my temper, and alots alots...
BUT, i dun agree what they said that i always bully my sister o!!

i'm vry appreciated i hv this sister in my life, but i wont hope that i can be ur sister in the next life, cz i have bring u alot of problem and trouble in this life ady a, wont harm u again in the next life de, hehe...

besides, i feel that i quite lucky 2day...
actly my car can be finish repair by today, but unluckily, i hv 2 wait until 2mr oni can finish!
i get mad at the moment!! he said that jz nid 2 days for repair, but 2day is the third day, y he cant stil make it? hw can i drive 2mr? hw can i go back after my school 2mr? hw can i take my all materials home 2mr? wat shud i do? i get blur and blur....><
i hate t person!! u hv promise me that u wil finish in 2 days, but i hv 2 wait until 2mr???><><
BUT luckily my sister cancel her tuition class 2mr afternoon, so that she can fetch me back! haha
is my sister again, see, you always help me! thank u, my dear sister! muacks~
and thank u to the aunty who cancel the tuition class 2mr, luciky u cancel t class, herher.thank u n hope that ur son can get a goood result in the exam ya~herher

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