10 December 2009

That Day, Today, and Tomorrow

天气: 阳光普照 浪高:8/10 水泡之言:^^

That day,

My holiday was started, i have nothing to do... But, i realized my study room was like after a war, so i'm the one who responsible to clear up the mess... hate it!! 'who' is useless--recycle, 'who' is useful--'bury' in cabinet, 'who' is 'unclaimed'- place on the table, let me consider whether is recycle or 'bury' or...

That day,

My sister recommends me a Taiwan Drama <下一站,幸福> which acted by 吴健豪 & 安以轩. It's a nice drama and quite touch... But i didn't cry for that, haha... i just can't understand how come 吴健豪 can be so man and 安以轩is so beautiful?!?!?!

That day,

i had finished read a novel name as <夏日之诗〉written by 藤井树. Reading his novel is very enjoy, sometimes the story can lead you through the whole story, i really admire to him!! this is the first novel i read after few years...hmmm... i also forget how long i have never touch novel, haha. After read this novel, i recall when me and my friends talk over the story after we read a novel and we borrow each other and these novel will really make the person loves daydreaming and live in world of fantasy, haha. That' s why my friend had said i have change a lot, i'm live more practical and stop thinking nonsense compare with the previous...but, undeniable, reading novel is a way to release pressure. Haha

That night,

it's a night after rain, so that there are lots of stars in the sky. At that moment, i so appreciate to my dad bought this house with a good location for us... a location with a nice view, quiet enviroment, sometimes have 'aeroplane performance', 'firework performance', and now, is time of ' Star Performance'.

That day,

i went for a hair trimmed, and ask for the cost for make a curls hair, but it cost RM500++ including highlight. i know it's valuable, but where can i get the money from?? From God of Wealth??
after that, my friends and i went to Sungai Wang, searching for the 'Toilet Restaurant", they open in KL finally...Their first branch is in Penang. I have been there last year with my friend, it's a cute restaurant. Cute? Yes, CUTE, this is how i describe the restaurant, of cause, their food is nice to eat too^^


i'm going to keep my house, keep my luggage, and sleep early...


i will leave Kuala Lumpur in the morning and start my vacation...^^

18 October 2009

i'm appreciated what i have 2day, thank you

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:我的幸福来自爸妈的爱^^

i have ady hv a long long time didnt upload my blog...herher, the reason is simple--working!!
yes, i am working nw, as a internship student, in mid valley northpoint....
althought it's not a company of interior design but it's a architecture company....
in the begining, i feel worry tat i cant affort this job, but luckily, my director and all the stuff treat me friendly.. but, it's gv me a buzy working life, bcz i almost everyday hv 2 work overtime, since the 1st day...except tat friday, which before deepavali, cz all the directer had went 2 vietnam!! haha

so 2day, it's a public holiday for deepavali, so i went shopping with my mummy and sisters brother...hmm...i think 2day my mummy wont hv a sweet dream, all is the because her children had spent her almost 1000++ in a day!!!no, including the lunch, italian ice-cream and dinner...almost reach 2000++ ba!!!

i can say tat i hv spent my mummy alot for 2day, especially my cloths which bought in MNG, the dream coat!!!haha...thank u vry much , mummy^^ muacks~hehe
so, i hv a nice and warm coat when Hong Kong trip in dec!! hehe...so expecting^^

03 September 2009

wonderful holiday life~

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:美好的假期……嘻嘻

yesterday my sis treat me at Sushi Zanmai, huhu~i can eat my sushi finally...i have been fews months didnt eat sushi ady, so miss them~hehe...

drinking green tea

kissing sushi.haha


and 2day, i go sing k wif my mates-girls' party~heihei...bt, my "bao bei" hven get turn, the small tv hd appear--"Thank You! Please Come Again" oh no....TT

01 September 2009

Malacca Trip yea~^^

Have a Starbucks before the trip! yea~

SEAFOOD dinner!! My Buddy~muacks~hehe


"Night At The Church"??

Satay Jerum~my you tiao, my fu pei, my yu yun!!!




This temple give me a har har cim><
i better try myself, herher

BIG BIG sandal~

In a old house,

having my 'baba cendol', it's tasty, yummy~

my childhood toy, little drum ^^

piang piang~faster die!! heihei

Nyonya food...

can u see any1 thr??

nice view of malacca from the hill

oh o~where is his hand??

can u see what it has inside~~?

2 man singing old song, their voice quite nice o

old CD, hard to get them now lu~

durian pancake, unique taste^^

Nyonya laksa & Nyonay Asam Laksa, taste good~^^
'or zien' as the end of this trip^^

25 August 2009

getting crazy?!

天气:早晴晚灰 浪高:8----〉4/10

2day i hd went to the book fest at KLCC, tis book fest is bigger thn last time which held in the mines...so i hv bought abt 6 books and 1CD...if including my 2 sis, all together v hd spend RM400++!!! wow~it's so exaggerate!!! but i think my elder sis is the winner lo! heihei...

btw tat, while i was waiting my sis from meeting fren, i hv bought 2 shirt for myself^^Y yea~my wardrobe hv 2 new cloths ady, hehe...while i was looking for nice cloths, i hv meet my 2ndary teacher, she stil look the same, but thinner abit...and luckily she was stil remember me ^^ haha...bt she had awaken me tat i hv been long long time didnt gt bck 2 skul ady...t skul i vry hate b4...and nw....none of my business...BAD GIRL!!! herher...

actly tis week is the start of my sem break, but y i stil nid 2 do the works of furniture design??? y? y? y? it cause me cant enjoy happily, funny and crazy!!! >< (getting crazy~bcareful o~)

14 August 2009

ntg special...

天气:普普,带点风... 浪高:5/10 水泡之言:我的假期,快来快来!!!

hu~i hv been a long time didn't upload my blog ady, bcz of tat model-making and that '3 bro'( sketch up, photoshop n illustrator)

2day i went for a movie after i submited my model...i kno i quite ' mou yi hei ' for my mates, herher, so sry... but i hv promise my sis hv 2 watched "The Proposal" wif her before, if i din watch 2day, it wil stop showing ady!!! so i cant broke my promise, rite? herher

before the movie start at 1:30, 2 of us were hv a window shoping...suddenly, thr hv a relax area!! hv those OSIM massage machine which provide for public! so i enjoy it, so nice! and so comfortable!! but the machine cost RM13999!!! what a beautiful price!!!

beside, i hd found a coat tat i really like to, is in MNG, but it's cost abt RM400!!! so expesive yo~>< and i saw a cute dress 2~~

a little grey dress...i wil buy it n wear it...if i crazy~haha

and now, i bck 2 face tat "3 brothers" again..TT i hate them!!!
but jz 1 week, gambateh 2 myself, jz leave 1 week!!! gambateh gambateh!!^^

25 July 2009








22 July 2009

i'm lucky and hapiness^^

天气阳光普照-->刮风打雷-->天气晴 浪高:??/10 水泡之言:起起又伏伏又起起

last week i suddenly said that i wan eat egg tart, so my sis baked it for me just now in the afternoon, herher. this is the first time she baked eggs tart, i heard before that it quite difficult to make a good tart, but...my sister have success 2 make it!haha. and the taste....not bad o, vry nice o!

i feel hapiness and lucky that i hv this sister...all my relative and my baba mummy said that i'm vry lucky that i hv this sister, who always indulge me, who always help me when i get in problem, who always help me do what i dislike to do, who always put up with my temper, and alots alots...
BUT, i dun agree what they said that i always bully my sister o!!

i'm vry appreciated i hv this sister in my life, but i wont hope that i can be ur sister in the next life, cz i have bring u alot of problem and trouble in this life ady a, wont harm u again in the next life de, hehe...

besides, i feel that i quite lucky 2day...
actly my car can be finish repair by today, but unluckily, i hv 2 wait until 2mr oni can finish!
i get mad at the moment!! he said that jz nid 2 days for repair, but 2day is the third day, y he cant stil make it? hw can i drive 2mr? hw can i go back after my school 2mr? hw can i take my all materials home 2mr? wat shud i do? i get blur and blur....><
i hate t person!! u hv promise me that u wil finish in 2 days, but i hv 2 wait until 2mr???><><
BUT luckily my sister cancel her tuition class 2mr afternoon, so that she can fetch me back! haha
is my sister again, see, you always help me! thank u, my dear sister! muacks~
and thank u to the aunty who cancel the tuition class 2mr, luciky u cancel t class, herher.thank u n hope that ur son can get a goood result in the exam ya~herher

17 July 2009

Nice nice cafe! i love it^^

天气:蓝天微风 浪高:5/10 水泡之言:最近烟雾很厉害,岸上之人小心哦!

tat day i went to Kahve (dunno t spellng rite or not) 2 hv a lunch. tis cafe jz open almost 1 mth ago, so t enviroment quite clean and new.
at t first i jz attract by t price of their set lunch oni, n t facade la, herher
but since i walk inside...
WOW~the atmosphere so nice!! i like it~^^

t atmosphere-good n relax
t service-good^^and fast 2!
t price of their food-affordable, cheaper thn other cafe, hehe
t taste of their food-very nice! yummy

so after this lunch, i "fall in love" 2 this cafe ady~^^

the facade, quite europe feel rite?

egg n ham sandwich, simple but nice~

honey lemon with 2 SLIDE of lemon!! (other cafe 1 oni!><)

mashroom soup, yummy~like homemade, good^^6

chicken chop! t sauce taste nice~

see, the atmosphere there nice leh~hehe