10 December 2009

That Day, Today, and Tomorrow

天气: 阳光普照 浪高:8/10 水泡之言:^^

That day,

My holiday was started, i have nothing to do... But, i realized my study room was like after a war, so i'm the one who responsible to clear up the mess... hate it!! 'who' is useless--recycle, 'who' is useful--'bury' in cabinet, 'who' is 'unclaimed'- place on the table, let me consider whether is recycle or 'bury' or...

That day,

My sister recommends me a Taiwan Drama <下一站,幸福> which acted by 吴健豪 & 安以轩. It's a nice drama and quite touch... But i didn't cry for that, haha... i just can't understand how come 吴健豪 can be so man and 安以轩is so beautiful?!?!?!

That day,

i had finished read a novel name as <夏日之诗〉written by 藤井树. Reading his novel is very enjoy, sometimes the story can lead you through the whole story, i really admire to him!! this is the first novel i read after few years...hmmm... i also forget how long i have never touch novel, haha. After read this novel, i recall when me and my friends talk over the story after we read a novel and we borrow each other and these novel will really make the person loves daydreaming and live in world of fantasy, haha. That' s why my friend had said i have change a lot, i'm live more practical and stop thinking nonsense compare with the previous...but, undeniable, reading novel is a way to release pressure. Haha

That night,

it's a night after rain, so that there are lots of stars in the sky. At that moment, i so appreciate to my dad bought this house with a good location for us... a location with a nice view, quiet enviroment, sometimes have 'aeroplane performance', 'firework performance', and now, is time of ' Star Performance'.

That day,

i went for a hair trimmed, and ask for the cost for make a curls hair, but it cost RM500++ including highlight. i know it's valuable, but where can i get the money from?? From God of Wealth??
after that, my friends and i went to Sungai Wang, searching for the 'Toilet Restaurant", they open in KL finally...Their first branch is in Penang. I have been there last year with my friend, it's a cute restaurant. Cute? Yes, CUTE, this is how i describe the restaurant, of cause, their food is nice to eat too^^


i'm going to keep my house, keep my luggage, and sleep early...


i will leave Kuala Lumpur in the morning and start my vacation...^^


  1. Better then me , i still live in a fantasy world . ( I always day dreaming , hehe )
    Niways , u wan curl n highlight 2 ???
    Haiz... i oso wan , but v long hair de , very expensive de ah~
    Sob sob ( T . T )

  2. haiz...why this world all need MONEY???
