21 January 2010


天气:无风无雨,风平浪静 浪高:6/10 水泡之言:.....

wednesday, which t only weekday without lecture class...so i went shopping with my friend at TS and Sungai Wang...where i have been long long time didnt step it, haha... all the decoration had set up, but i think the decoration in TS is better thn SUngai wang...

this was the first time i out wif my fren after curl my hair, haha...lucikly she didnt say any bad comment on me, hehe..

T-Bowl Restaurant--having our lunch thr..the 2nd branch from Penang which i went last time..the food are more choices compare wif the penang branch, but the food as tasty as there, even thought it serve in a closestool!!! haha... can u imaging noodle and chicken inside a closestool?? wat a cute frame~^^

after shopping, my BUZY fren (haha) had call me out for tea, it so rare, hehe...(jk oni, dannny...)
a gud comment on my curl hair again^^, but...he told me tat he gt introduce that can gt a cheaper price compare my RM380!!!! so...i hv no words come out from my mouth...-_-

Report Report Report
Report Report Report
Report Report Report

Hate U Hate U Hate U
Hate U Hate U Hate U
Hate U Hate U Hate U

tomorrow wil be a gud day rite?? hope so...gud nite ZzzZZZ..

10 December 2009

That Day, Today, and Tomorrow

天气: 阳光普照 浪高:8/10 水泡之言:^^

That day,

My holiday was started, i have nothing to do... But, i realized my study room was like after a war, so i'm the one who responsible to clear up the mess... hate it!! 'who' is useless--recycle, 'who' is useful--'bury' in cabinet, 'who' is 'unclaimed'- place on the table, let me consider whether is recycle or 'bury' or...

That day,

My sister recommends me a Taiwan Drama <下一站,幸福> which acted by 吴健豪 & 安以轩. It's a nice drama and quite touch... But i didn't cry for that, haha... i just can't understand how come 吴健豪 can be so man and 安以轩is so beautiful?!?!?!

That day,

i had finished read a novel name as <夏日之诗〉written by 藤井树. Reading his novel is very enjoy, sometimes the story can lead you through the whole story, i really admire to him!! this is the first novel i read after few years...hmmm... i also forget how long i have never touch novel, haha. After read this novel, i recall when me and my friends talk over the story after we read a novel and we borrow each other and these novel will really make the person loves daydreaming and live in world of fantasy, haha. That' s why my friend had said i have change a lot, i'm live more practical and stop thinking nonsense compare with the previous...but, undeniable, reading novel is a way to release pressure. Haha

That night,

it's a night after rain, so that there are lots of stars in the sky. At that moment, i so appreciate to my dad bought this house with a good location for us... a location with a nice view, quiet enviroment, sometimes have 'aeroplane performance', 'firework performance', and now, is time of ' Star Performance'.

That day,

i went for a hair trimmed, and ask for the cost for make a curls hair, but it cost RM500++ including highlight. i know it's valuable, but where can i get the money from?? From God of Wealth??
after that, my friends and i went to Sungai Wang, searching for the 'Toilet Restaurant", they open in KL finally...Their first branch is in Penang. I have been there last year with my friend, it's a cute restaurant. Cute? Yes, CUTE, this is how i describe the restaurant, of cause, their food is nice to eat too^^


i'm going to keep my house, keep my luggage, and sleep early...


i will leave Kuala Lumpur in the morning and start my vacation...^^

18 October 2009

i'm appreciated what i have 2day, thank you

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:我的幸福来自爸妈的爱^^

i have ady hv a long long time didnt upload my blog...herher, the reason is simple--working!!
yes, i am working nw, as a internship student, in mid valley northpoint....
althought it's not a company of interior design but it's a architecture company....
in the begining, i feel worry tat i cant affort this job, but luckily, my director and all the stuff treat me friendly.. but, it's gv me a buzy working life, bcz i almost everyday hv 2 work overtime, since the 1st day...except tat friday, which before deepavali, cz all the directer had went 2 vietnam!! haha

so 2day, it's a public holiday for deepavali, so i went shopping with my mummy and sisters brother...hmm...i think 2day my mummy wont hv a sweet dream, all is the because her children had spent her almost 1000++ in a day!!!no, including the lunch, italian ice-cream and dinner...almost reach 2000++ ba!!!

i can say tat i hv spent my mummy alot for 2day, especially my cloths which bought in MNG, the dream coat!!!haha...thank u vry much , mummy^^ muacks~hehe
so, i hv a nice and warm coat when Hong Kong trip in dec!! hehe...so expecting^^

03 September 2009

wonderful holiday life~

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:美好的假期……嘻嘻

yesterday my sis treat me at Sushi Zanmai, huhu~i can eat my sushi finally...i have been fews months didnt eat sushi ady, so miss them~hehe...

drinking green tea

kissing sushi.haha


and 2day, i go sing k wif my mates-girls' party~heihei...bt, my "bao bei" hven get turn, the small tv hd appear--"Thank You! Please Come Again" oh no....TT

01 September 2009

Malacca Trip yea~^^

Have a Starbucks before the trip! yea~

SEAFOOD dinner!! My Buddy~muacks~hehe


"Night At The Church"??

Satay Jerum~my you tiao, my fu pei, my yu yun!!!




This temple give me a har har cim><
i better try myself, herher

BIG BIG sandal~

In a old house,

having my 'baba cendol', it's tasty, yummy~

my childhood toy, little drum ^^

piang piang~faster die!! heihei

Nyonya food...

can u see any1 thr??

nice view of malacca from the hill

oh o~where is his hand??

can u see what it has inside~~?

2 man singing old song, their voice quite nice o

old CD, hard to get them now lu~

durian pancake, unique taste^^

Nyonya laksa & Nyonay Asam Laksa, taste good~^^
'or zien' as the end of this trip^^