21 January 2010


天气:无风无雨,风平浪静 浪高:6/10 水泡之言:.....

wednesday, which t only weekday without lecture class...so i went shopping with my friend at TS and Sungai Wang...where i have been long long time didnt step it, haha... all the decoration had set up, but i think the decoration in TS is better thn SUngai wang...

this was the first time i out wif my fren after curl my hair, haha...lucikly she didnt say any bad comment on me, hehe..

T-Bowl Restaurant--having our lunch thr..the 2nd branch from Penang which i went last time..the food are more choices compare wif the penang branch, but the food as tasty as there, even thought it serve in a closestool!!! haha... can u imaging noodle and chicken inside a closestool?? wat a cute frame~^^

after shopping, my BUZY fren (haha) had call me out for tea, it so rare, hehe...(jk oni, dannny...)
a gud comment on my curl hair again^^, but...he told me tat he gt introduce that can gt a cheaper price compare my RM380!!!! so...i hv no words come out from my mouth...-_-

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Hate U Hate U Hate U
Hate U Hate U Hate U
Hate U Hate U Hate U

tomorrow wil be a gud day rite?? hope so...gud nite ZzzZZZ..

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