08 June 2009

My Seafood BUDDY and Good Luck for me!!^^

天气阳光普照,突然!下了一场雨!! 5.5/10 -.- 水泡之今天的月亮埋怨的哦!

hmm...actually today is the end of a week-sunday, should be a rest day for me, but...don't know why, quite tired for me...erm...maybe it's the effect that i have fews days sleep "early in the mornig"!! haha... sadly that i should continue this until...the submition day of my project...maybe~herher

yesterday my dad n my brother was came back from Tawau, and ,my dad had bought alot of fish and Prawn!!^^ haha. So we can eat those seafood until we become a member of the seafood! haha. But, before that, i have to say sorry for the sacrifice of those fish and prawn~and also thank you, i will remember u all~my seafood BUDDY!!herher

Hu~tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, so...that mean i going to fight with the terror taffic again, fight for the stupid slide test, the model making, the report.........haiz~
Nevermind! just do my best!haha...Good luck for me^^Y, and my frens too~^^

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