06 June 2009

Begin of Sea

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:今天要睡饱饱!哈哈

It’s the time I create a blogspot, haha…previous time is wrote in space which under msn, but, unfortunately, I leave ‘it’ ady~herher. So now, here is my latest place for me to wrote somethings! Haha…

It’s going to get busy already, quite worry about the model which I going to do for the project…although the lecture said we just need to do the section, not the whole model, but as what the ‘flying chicken skin’(haha) say, maybe it going to do within the detail of the structure!! Ar~~

But hopefully, it won’t make me in difficult and confuse...herher
Anyway, good luck to me!^^

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