29 June 2009

Happy Last Weekend!


天气:非常爽朗 浪高:10/10^^Y 水泡之言:胖了!胖了!><

last saturday nite i went Jogaya to having dinner with my family, grandmum, aunts, uncle, and cousin, total=15 person! so they gave us 1 room! Haha xp

hmm...i think i have been a long long time didn't visit Jogoya since last...mid year ba, herher. So miss the food~so...this is the time to put all the FAT in my body!! haha. But, honestly, i quite afraid to becume a fatty after this...herher so矛盾yo~

Big Table, can fit almost 20 people o!

VIP special-kiwi ice-cream cake

VIP special-King crab in chinese style

VIP special- Fried toufu sandwich

VIP special- Tiger Prawn with cheese

Waffle provide here now~hehe

Our PRIVATE room- SUCCESS 成功!^^Y yeah~

天气:阳光普照中带点灰灰 浪高:7/10 水泡之言:失败~
today four of us baked sponge cake, this was my...2nd time baked a cake, herher. Because my mummy said that i never cook something for her before, so i 'baked' a cake for her lu, heihei...although she was beside me and teach me la, herher.
This was my 2nd time to baked a cake since...fews year ago, herher. but i think it's improve ba...
BUT again...stil not vry success...TT, the cake not enuf 发 ar~but the taste not bad o! haha^^Y

qiang qiang~ sponge cake! herher

23 June 2009






20 June 2009


天气:太阳很大!! 浪高:7/10 水泡之言:今天花了很多钱唷~呵呵

today i go 蓬莱 with my sister, cz i hv promise her treat her a meal there as her birthday present, but now only action, herher...

the food of 蓬莱 quite nice o, jz oni the 台湾X冰 is too sweet, but stil not bad la! what i most like in the 大肠抱小肠, really really really delicious o, SUPER delicious! haha ^^

hmm...maybe next time i should try their noodle...heihei...but, 1st, save money 1st! herher

18 June 2009

Happy For Finished Model & Funny for Lecturer^^

天气:天气晴朗 浪高:7/10^^ 水泡之言:有的睡觉了!!哇哈哈……

latest project-condo design

section model~

the most satisfied part--Living Area!^^Y


Happy Birthday to Miss Sin Ai~

making wish...

funny and cute lecturer! haha
wish u happy always ya^^

08 June 2009

My Seafood BUDDY and Good Luck for me!!^^

天气阳光普照,突然!下了一场雨!! 5.5/10 -.- 水泡之今天的月亮埋怨的哦!

hmm...actually today is the end of a week-sunday, should be a rest day for me, but...don't know why, quite tired for me...erm...maybe it's the effect that i have fews days sleep "early in the mornig"!! haha... sadly that i should continue this until...the submition day of my project...maybe~herher

yesterday my dad n my brother was came back from Tawau, and ,my dad had bought alot of fish and Prawn!!^^ haha. So we can eat those seafood until we become a member of the seafood! haha. But, before that, i have to say sorry for the sacrifice of those fish and prawn~and also thank you, i will remember u all~my seafood BUDDY!!herher

Hu~tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, so...that mean i going to fight with the terror taffic again, fight for the stupid slide test, the model making, the report.........haiz~
Nevermind! just do my best!haha...Good luck for me^^Y, and my frens too~^^

06 June 2009

Begin of Sea

天气:阳光普照 浪高:8/10^^ 水泡之言:今天要睡饱饱!哈哈

It’s the time I create a blogspot, haha…previous time is wrote in space which under msn, but, unfortunately, I leave ‘it’ ady~herher. So now, here is my latest place for me to wrote somethings! Haha…

It’s going to get busy already, quite worry about the model which I going to do for the project…although the lecture said we just need to do the section, not the whole model, but as what the ‘flying chicken skin’(haha) say, maybe it going to do within the detail of the structure!! Ar~~

But hopefully, it won’t make me in difficult and confuse...herher
Anyway, good luck to me!^^